Harness the power of your voice
When I started my coaching practice, I realized I had to distinguish between coaching and taking a class to establish a common understanding between my clients and me. Most people only think about coaching in professional sports. But coaching as…
Unleash Your Social Confidence: Embrace the Fun You in Every Setting! Do you ever find yourself dazzling with wit and charm in the comfort of your own company, only to hit a stumbling block when you venture out into the…
Manage Nervousness You cannot master the art of public speaking if fear continuously holds you back. In this article, we will discuss not only how to manage your nervousness, but also how to harness the energy that builds up when…
Good artists copy. Great artists steal! Pablo Picasso Here are 7 things great speakers do that you should be doing too to be compelling in a way that cannot be ignored. The Heart Before the Head: 💙 Great speakers wear…
It’s crazy we introduce ourselves by saying “My name is Kizito Nyuytiymbiy and I am an engineer.” Where is the flaw in saying that? If you’re going to say my name is Kizito, you should also say, and my job is engineer. While that might sound…
I struggled with fatigue throughout grad school. I woke up tired, went to school tired, felt tired through every lesson, and felt even more tired after meals. I was a zombie, a walking dead at some critical hours of the…
Life on earth is certainly bounded by birth and death but within it there are many partial deaths and rebirths. We don’t only live while we live, we also die many times while we live. Parts of us die and…
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” — Marianne Williamson Words ever perfect. I love these words, so I…